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Человека узнаЮт по компании, с которой ОН свЯзан // Человека формирует его окружение.

"The waltz, оп the other hand, I cannot approve of." "Oh, you do not waltz? I am so glad- I mean, one does not think of you indulging in anything so frivolous, Lord Bromford !" Не appeared to bе pleased bу this; he settled himself deeper in his chair, and said : "You raise an interesting thesis, ma'am. One is familiar with the phrase, А man may bе known bу thе соmраnу bе keeps; саn it bе that he may also Ье known bу the dances he permits himself to indulge in?" (Heyer)

Compare the sentences: Hea/thy young bаbiеs s/eep soundly and Colour/ess green ideas s/eep furiously. Although they are syntactically similar, the second is far harder to perceive and remember correctly-because it cannot Ье interpreted Ьу the usual semantic rules for combining the senses of adjacent English words. The interpretation of each word is affected Ьу the соmраnу it keeps; а central problem is to systematize the interactions of words and phrases with their linguistic contexts. (Miller)

"Then I'11 tell you something. У ou are not aware, perhaps," retorted Mr. Bounderby, "that you yourself have bееn looked after now and then, not being considered quite free from suspicion in this business, оn account of most people being jndged according to the company they keep." (Dickens)